SkyWay is a platform directed towards application developers, enabling the easy utilisation of WebRTC technology.
What are some of the merits of using SkyWay?
When using WebRTC to biuld an application, additional knowledge is required beyond web application development technologies. For example, you also need knowledge about networks and servers. This might include session control, bypassing NAT, development and construction of mediation servers.
SkyWay provides all these complicated background features and wraps them up in a simple API for implementation in your projects. As a result Web developers can easily develop WebRTC applications without worrying about the backend details.
SkyWay was originally released in December 2013 as the first WebRTC platform in Japan. We offer APIs and development environments for application developers to develop either for Web or smartphones. We have over 4000 developers on board, with SkyWay being utilised in a variety of environments.
SkyWay is opensource. Our libraries, source code, sample code, and developer documentation is publically available on GitHub.
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