[ New version SDK ] Metadata in connection could not be sent
Hi skyway team,
When i upgrade to new version, I see that has problem with field metadata.
1. Init connection
ConnectOption option = new ConnectOption();
option.metadata = "connection test";
option.label="connection label";
_data = peer.connect(peerId, option);
2. Peer call back:
peer.on(CONNECTION, new OnCallback() {
public void onCallback(Object object) {
if (!(object instanceof DataConnection)) {
DataConnection dataConnection= ((DataConnection) object);
String metaDataString = dataConnection.metadata();
Log.e(TAG, "[On/CONNECTION]" + "////id: " + ((DataConnection) object).peer() + "/////" + metaDataString);
But I checked in DataCallback,metadata is always null. And partner can not receive metadata.
So, in new version, metadata can not use?. Can you help me?.
Thank for your help.
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