Cannot publish video local stream when connect to network local Theta and using network 4G
Hi Skyway support team,
I want to use external 360 stream to join video chat room. The steps are as follows
1. Connect to local wifi Theta 360 to get 360 stream,
2. At this time, the device will not be able to access the internet because it is connected to local wifi theta 360, so I turn on the 4G network
3. I join room and create local stream using CustomFrameSource with stream 360 theta
4. Clicking the publish video button gives an error. Error shows as below:
Please help me check if this is a Skyway bug?
Error show below:
-> POST | logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 | logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
Content-Length: 114 | logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJqdGkiOiJmNTkwZWZlYS03Nzg0LTQ0YjItOGEyZC0zOWFiYzc4YTA1NDYiLCJpYXQiOjE2OTMzM...
| logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
{"channelId":"72611498-ab0d-4a7a-8642-79dc1f8403e9","memberId":"e64657ce-bf76-40b4-89ef-9cd6873611bc","ttl":86400} | logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
--> END POST (114-byte body) | logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
<-- HTTP FAILED: Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname | logging$lambda-0(HttpClient.kt:15)
Fetching ice servers info failed. | FetchIceServers(ice_params_client.cpp:47)